Monday 18 March 2019

Candidate Exemplar Work - OCR

Click on the image to access the full document released by OCR last week.  Make sure you read the notes attached to each marked magazine that outlines why they've dropped marks.

Monday 12 November 2018

Actual Brief - for 2019 Assessment

Click here for the brief we're working to:

And this is the bit we'll be referring to the most:

Thursday 11 October 2018

Mark Scheme

Magazine & Online Brief

Statement of Intent

  1. Statement of Intent
    Learners must also complete a Statement of Intent for their cross-media production which must be submitted with their production. A penalty will be applied if it is not supplied to the teacher with a learner’s final production (see Section 3f of this specification for more details). 

    The Statement of Intent needs to outline the ways in which the learner proposes to link their media products to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of their production. The Statement of Intent also needs to outline the ways in which the learner proposes to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of their chosen brief, set by OCR. 

    Learners must complete the Statement of Intent in approximately 500 words. 

  2. A template for the Statement of Intent is provided on the OCR website. stgprd-ocr.ucles.internal-images-412070-a-level-media-statement-of-intent-form.pdf.pdf

Research & Planning (1b)

1(b) Planning
Learners should produce planning materials for their cross-media production Planning tasks will vary depending on the brief chosen, but all briefs are likely to require evidence of the development of production ideas, production scheduling, and audience research and feedback. In addition, depending on the brief chosen, planning tasks may include scripts, storyboards, location reports, and mock-ups of layouts.

Pages 23-24 of the two year curriculum planner outline a range of research and planning ideas: approach.docx

Research and planning materials, even though non-assessed, should be presented in an appropriate format, along with the assessed elements of the unit. This guide will explore options for the production of materials and possible routes for learners to present their work.

Research & Planning - 1(a)

1(a) Research
Learners should deconstruct, analyse and make notes on these professionally produced media products so that they can further develop knowledge and understanding of their chosen media form’s distinctive media language, for example:
  • how genre conventions are employed
  • how and why intertextuality is employed
  • how combinations of media language elements are used to create meaning and
    construct representations that address an intended audience.
    Learners should be prepared to analyse the elements of media language appropriate to the chosen brief, as indicated below.

  1. Magazines as part of a cross-media brief:
    • layout
    • typography
    • use of language
    • use of images.

NEA Brief - Delivery Guide

This component provides the opportunity for the learner to demonstrate that they can apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework to construct their media products by:
  • applying knowledge and understanding of media language to express and
    communicate meaning to an intended audience
  • applying knowledge and understanding to construct representations that portray
    events, issues, individuals and social groups as appropriate to the brief set by OCR
  • applying knowledge and understanding of media industries requirements to create a
    product that is appropriate to the media industry context of their chosen brief
  • use of media language to create meaning for the intended audience, in line with the
    intentions outlined in their Statement of Intent.